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Other relevant keywords: Active Evolution; Anthropocosmism; Biosophere; Cosmism; Nikolai Fedorov; Salvation Svetlana Semenova (1941–2014) Svetlana Grigoryevna Semenova was the best-known and most influential figure among late- and post-Soviet cosmists, the first postwar thinker to popularize the teaching of Nikolai Fedorov (1828–1903). She graduated from the Romano-Germanic Faculty of Moscow State University in 1964 as a ..

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Other relevant keywords: Aphorisms, Chorus, Christianity, Russian Language, Rozanov, Sexuality, Sots Art, Theatricality   Andrei Sinyavsky (Abram Tertz) (1925 – 1997) If a complete history of Russian postmodernism is ever written, then Andrei Sinyavsky (1925–1997), who published some of his most seminal works under the pen-name Abram Tertz, will definitely stand as one of its ..

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Other relevant keywords: Faith, Marxism, Russian Orthodoxy, Slavophiles, the West   Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is among the few Russian intellectuals whose names are known equally well in the West as in Russia. In July 1945, after serving on the front with the Red Army and receiving two military decorations, Solzhenitsyn was sentenced to ..

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Other relevant keywords: Jewish Humor, Philosophical Poetry, Systemic Pluralism   Leonid Stolovich (1929–2013) Leonid Naumovich Stolovich, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tartu and Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Leningrad State University), specialized in aesthetics, theory of values, and the history of philosophy. He authored more than forty books and over five hundred scholarly articles in ..

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Transculture, transculturalism Transculture (transkul’tura) comes from the Latin “trans,” meaning “beyond”; a trans-cultural realm beyond any national, gender, or professional culture; a mode of being, located at the crossroads of cultures. The concept of transculture responds to the limitations of some contemporary theoretical models of culture. It is different from the understanding of the global system ..

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Other relevant keywords: Political Cycles, Slavophile, Weimar Russia   Alexander Yanov (1930–2022) Alexander Lvovich Yanov, a distinguished Russian-American political thinker and historian of Russian nationalism, began his academic journey at the Department of History at Moscow University, where he graduated in 1953. In 1970, he defended a dissertation on the history of Russian nationalism, entitled ..

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Other relevant keywords: Inequality; High- and low-voltage people; Equalizers; Competitors; Masters of knowledge; Masters of things   Igor Yefimov (1937–2020) Igor Markovich Yefimov was a Russian-American philosopher, writer, and publisher whose work bridged engineering precision with philosophical inquiry. His major contributions include systematic analyses of human inequality and freedom, the development of a unique post-Kantian ..

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Other relevant keywords: Buddhism, Classical Indian Philosophy, Emigration, Modal Methodology, Moscow Methodological Circle, Philosophology, Yoga   David B. Zilberman (1938–1977) David Beniaminovich Zilberman was a social thinker, Indologist, and philosopher who grew up in Odessa, lived and worked in Moscow, and eventually emigrated to the USA in 1973 in search of better conditions for his ..

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