Other relevant keywords: Sin, Choice, Personality, Loneliness, Music Yakov Druskin (1902-1980) Yakov Semenovich Druskin was the longest-living member of the informal avant-garde literary-intellectual group called the Chinari (the “titled ones,” or “rankists”). In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Chinari included poets Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky and the philosopher Leonid Lipavsky, all ..
Archives : March-2018
“Unofficial Thoughts” by Yakov Druskin January 29, 1948 Unofficial thoughts are thoughts not of reason, or even not founded in reason; and yet, certain thoughts of this kind are some of the most intelligent. This is something that Tolstoy never understood. Reason is official. Unofficial thoughts are fruitless, in the sense that they ..
Other relevant keywords: Existentialism, Narod (people), Tragedy, Zen Grigory Pomerants (1918–2013) Of all late-Soviet and post-Soviet Russian thinkers, Grigory Solomonovich Pomerants was the most persistently engaged in social debates about the value of personality and about the threats posed by totalitarian and post-totalitarian society. Pomerants was a philosopher and Orientalist by education. He graduated from ..
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