Archives : April-2019

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Other relevant keywords: Aesthetics; Literature   Valentin Asmus (1894–1975) Valentin Ferdinandovich Asmus was a philosopher, historian of philosophy, and teacher who played an important role in the development of Russian philosophy of the twentieth century. He specialized in the history of philosophy, logic, and aesthetics and was also a literary critic. He is the author ..

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Cosmism In Russian philosophical discussions of the 1970s–80s, cosmism emerged as one of the most influential trends. It has come to designate not only a particular movement, but an overarching property and legacy of Russian philosophy as a whole. Cosmism literally means a “cosmic orientation” of thought, not only because the cosmos is the object ..

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Other relevant keywords: aesthetics, German philosophy, Russian philosophy   Arseny Gulyga (1921-1996) Arseny Vladimirovich Gulyga is one of a few Soviet philosophers known not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. He specialized in the history of philosophy and composed a number of philosophical portraits in the genre of intellectual biography, including on Hegel (1970), ..

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Other relevant keywords: Abstraction, Aesthetics, Artificial Intelligence, Community, the Concrete, Cosmology, Dialectics, Disability, Education, the Ideal, Logic, Materialism, Science, Transindividuality   Evald Ilyenkov (1924–1979) The ability to see the world like a human means to see through the eyes of another person, through the eyes of all other people. (Ilyenkov, Ob idolakh i idealakh 100) ..

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Other relevant keywords: Epistemology, German Idealism, Historiography, Pluralism   Teodor Oizerman (1914–2017) From the late 1930s to the mid-2010s, Teodor Ilyich Oizerman was a witness to and actor in many significant events in Soviet and post-Soviet philosophical culture, as well as—because of his travels abroad and participation in international forums beginning in the 1970s—its face ..

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Platonism-Marxism The combination of Platonism and Marxism in totalitarian practices and theories of the twentieth century; the philosophical basis of Soviet-style state ideocracy. According to Alfred North Whitehead, “European philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato” (39). In this case, Russian thought must be viewed as an important part of the Western philosophical heritage, ..

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Other relevant keywords: Active Evolution; Anthropocosmism; Biosophere; Cosmism; Nikolai Fedorov; Salvation Svetlana Semenova (1941–2014) Svetlana Grigoryevna Semenova was the best-known and most influential figure among late- and post-Soviet cosmists, the first postwar thinker to popularize the teaching of Nikolai Fedorov (1828–1903). She graduated from the Romano-Germanic Faculty of Moscow State University in 1964 as a ..

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Other relevant keywords: Jewish Humor, Philosophical Poetry, Systemic Pluralism   Leonid Stolovich (1929–2013) Leonid Naumovich Stolovich, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tartu and Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Leningrad State University), specialized in aesthetics, theory of values, and the history of philosophy. He authored more than forty books and over five hundred scholarly articles in ..

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Other relevant keywords: Buddhism, Classical Indian Philosophy, Emigration, Modal Methodology, Moscow Methodological Circle, Philosophology, Yoga   David B. Zilberman (1938–1977) David Beniaminovich Zilberman was a social thinker, Indologist, and philosopher who grew up in Odessa, lived and worked in Moscow, and eventually emigrated to the USA in 1973 in search of better conditions for his ..

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