Guidelines for Contributors

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Entries in Filosofia are divided into two categories: thinkers and concepts. Entries are not meant to be exhaustive or chronological, but guided by important ideas/themes and organized according to keywords. Potential contributors should first send their chosen thinker or topic, plus proposed keywords, to the editors for approval.

Entries on significant thinkers/concepts should be between 3000-4000 words; entries on less significant or lesser known thinkers/concepts should be between 1500-3000 words. Entries on individual thinkers should begin with a concise intellectual biography, followed by philosophical summaries of 3-6 guiding keywords in a thinker’s work. Keywords should be as broad as possible, allowing for cross-linking with other entries when applicable. If possible, we ask that you choose at least one keyword already represented in the keyword master list, in order to continue building the network of connections among thinkers and entries. Please do not use footnotes or endnotes in your entries. Russian names are transliterated according to a simplified ALA-LC system, including several key modifications. For further guidance on formatting, transliteration, and citations, please refer to any of the posted entries.

The following entries are currently in progress: Aronson,Motroshilova, Petrovsky, Piatigorsky, Stolovich, Yanov, and Yefimov.