Archives : January-2018

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Other relevant keywords: Interpretation, Orthodoxy, Philology, Secularism, Symbol, Wisdom   Sergei Averintsev (1937–2004) Sergei Sergeevich Averintsev was an outstanding Russian cultural scholar who made essential contributions to many fields of the humanities, including philology, philosophy, theology, literary studies, and intellectual history. From 1971-1991, he was a senior researcher at the Gorky Institute of World Literature ..

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Other relevant keywords: Inequity, Solovyov   Anatolii Krasnov-Levitin (1915–1991) Anatolii Emmanuilovich Krasnov-Levitin was probably the most outspoken proponent of Christian socialism in the late USSR. Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, his original surname was Levitin and he signed some of his works with the pseudonym “Krasnov,” from the Russian word krasnyi, “red.” (His name also appears ..

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Other relevant keywords: Political Cycles, Slavophile, Weimar Russia   Alexander Yanov (1930–2022) Alexander Lvovich Yanov, a distinguished Russian-American political thinker and historian of Russian nationalism, began his academic journey at the Department of History at Moscow University, where he graduated in 1953. In 1970, he defended a dissertation on the history of Russian nationalism, entitled ..

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