Other relevant keywords: Epistemology, German Idealism, Historiography, Pluralism Teodor Oizerman (1914–2017) From the late 1930s to the mid-2010s, Teodor Ilyich Oizerman was a witness to and actor in many significant events in Soviet and post-Soviet philosophical culture, as well as—because of his travels abroad and participation in international forums beginning in the 1970s—its face ..
Archives : October-2020
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Other relevant keywords: Buddhism, Classical Indian Philosophy, Emigration, Modal Methodology, Moscow Methodological Circle, Philosophology, Yoga David B. Zilberman (1938–1977) David Beniaminovich Zilberman was a social thinker, Indologist, and philosopher who grew up in Odessa, lived and worked in Moscow, and eventually emigrated to the USA in 1973 in search of better conditions for his ..