Other relevant keywords: Art, Bifurcation, Contingency, Creativity, Explosion, Film, Freedom, Thinking Yuri Lotman (1922–1993) Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman was the most significant and influential Soviet structuralist, semiotician, and literary thinker. He was the founder of the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School and a professor at the University of Tartu (Estonia) from 1954 to 1993. Originally a specialist in the literature of the ..
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Other relevant keywords: Fuzziness, Meditation, Nothing, Potentiality Vasily Nalimov (1910-1997) Vasily Vasilievich Nalimov represents a very particular branch of philosophical neo-rationalism that relies on probabilistic methods in the natural and social sciences and applies them to the study of language and consciousness. Trained in sciences, Nalimov was a professor of statistics and headed Moscow ..