Other relevant keywords: Existentialism, Narod (people), Tragedy, Zen Grigory Pomerants (1918–2013) Of all late-Soviet and post-Soviet Russian thinkers, Grigory Solomonovich Pomerants was the most persistently engaged in social debates about the value of personality and about the threats posed by totalitarian and post-totalitarian society. Pomerants was a philosopher and Orientalist by education. He graduated from ..
Archives : May-2019
Other relevant keywords: Political Cycles, Slavophile, Weimar Russia Alexander Yanov (1930–2022) Alexander Lvovich Yanov, a distinguished Russian-American political thinker and historian of Russian nationalism, began his academic journey at the Department of History at Moscow University, where he graduated in 1953. In 1970, he defended a dissertation on the history of Russian nationalism, entitled ..
Other relevant keywords: Inequality; High- and low-voltage people; Equalizers; Competitors; Masters of knowledge; Masters of things Igor Yefimov (1937–2020) Igor Markovich Yefimov was a Russian-American philosopher, writer, and publisher whose work bridged engineering precision with philosophical inquiry. His major contributions include systematic analyses of human inequality and freedom, the development of a unique post-Kantian ..